All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (2024)



Lawn Care

Pros and Cons of This Low-Maintenance, Sustainable Grass Alternative


Nadia Hassani

All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (1)

Nadia Hassani

Nadia Hassani is a a Penn State Master Gardener with nearly 20 years of experience in landscaping, garden design, and vegetable and fruit gardening.

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Updated on 03/19/24

Reviewed by

Barbara Gillette

All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (2)

Reviewed byBarbara Gillette

Barbara Gillette is a Master Gardener, herbalist, beekeeper, and journalist. She has 30 years of experience propagating and growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and ornamentals.

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All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (3)

A clover lawn is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to a turfgrass lawn. Clover lawn is increasing in popularity because of its low maintenance—it only requires infrequent mowing, minimal watering, and no fertilization. It also reduces the use of herbicides and pesticides. Clover also attracts pollinators, is pet-friendly, and helps with erosion control.

If you're ready to rethink your lawn, discover the pros and cons of clover lawns and how to establish one in your yard.

What Is a Clover Lawn

Instead of a conventional lawn that uses different types of grasses, a clover lawn consists of clover (Trifolium spp.). This herbaceous perennial is a legume that belongs to the same plant family as peas and beans (Fabaceae). The three types of clover used for lawns are white clover (Trifolium repens), red clover (Trifolium pratense). and strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum). White clover is the most commonly found in lawns. It is hardy in USDA Zones 3-10. All clovers are vigorous cool-season growers, spreading 12 inches or more.

A clover lawn can entirely replace a turfgrass lawn or clover can be combined with traditional turfgrass such as tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass.

What to Know Before Considering a Clover Lawn

  • 01 of 15

    Mowing Isn't As Frequent

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (4)

    Unlike a conventional turfgrass lawn, a clover lawn only needs to be mowed twice a year, as it grows 2 to 8 inches tall. Most people mow it in midsummer after the clover has bloomed and dropped its seeds and again four to six weeks before the first fall frost. Any additional mowing is optional.

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    Watering Is Minimal

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (5)

    A clover lawn does not need watering except during its establishment phase, as its deep roots draw moisture from far below the soil.

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    No Fertilization Is Required

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (6)

    Botanically, clover is a legume. It is a nitrogen-fixing plant; clover grabs nitrogen from the atmosphere and absorbs it into the soil, transforming it into nitrogen that plants use as "food."

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    Herbicides and Pesticides Aren't Needed

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (7)

    Clover is a vigorous, fast grower and chokes out other weeds, making herbicides unnecessary. The clover types used as turfgrass are also not prone to attacks by serious pests, such aslawn grubs.

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    Clover Grows in Most Soils

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (8)

    Clover grows in nitrogen-poor soils and other types of soils where turfgrass cannot thrive. Its long taproot draws nutrients and moisture from deep in the soil.

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    Grass Is More Durable

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (9)

    Clover alone does not hold up to foot traffic the same way as turfgrass. However, when combined with turfgrass, it makes a strong, walkable lawn that can better withstand heavy traffic.

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    Clover Helps Pollinators

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (10)

    Blooming clover attracts bees and other pollinators crucial in the food web. Pollinator numbers are dwindling because of widespread pesticide use and habitat loss and a clover lawn encourages biodiversity.

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    Growing and Maintenance Is Affordable

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (11)

    If you add up lawn costs (grass seed, watering, gas for mowing, fertilizer, other chemicals, and aeration), a clover lawn is more economical than turfgrass.

    Clover seed is less expensive than most turfgrass seeds. For example, clover costs around $4 a pound, compared to popular Kentucky bluegrass, which costs $6 a pound. However, trendy microclover seeds are more expensive per pound than any other seed type since they are specially cultivated and in demand for their more uniform and unobtrusive aesthetic.

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    Clover Is Pet-Friendly

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (12)

    Dog urine does not leave unsightly discolored or brown spots in clover as it does in a turfgrass lawn. However, clover may be safe for pets, but the plant is a favorite food for rabbits, squirrels, and deer.

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    Stinging Insects Are More Common

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (13)

    Blooming clover attracts bees and other insects that sting in defense. If that worries you because children play on the lawn, or you like to walk on the lawn barefoot, plant microclover, a type that has fewer flowers. Mowing the clover lawn before or when the flowers are in bloom because you're worried about stinging insects defeats the purpose of a clover lawn. One of the benefits of a clover lawn is that its flowers are a food source for pollinators.

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    Re-Seeding Is Needed

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (14)

    If you opt for a full clover lawn, you may need to reseed every few years. Clover is a short-lived perennial that needs refreshing. If you mix clover with other grasses, the clover will likely reseed itself, so you won't need to do any reseeding.

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    Clover May Spread Too Far

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (15)

    Clover easily grows into unwanted areas like sidewalks, garden beds, or driveway cracks.

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    Clover Controls Erosion

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (16)

    Clover can grow in compacted soil. Its deep roots help with erosion control and naturally aerate and loosen up compacted soil so there is less rainwater run-off.

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    Clothing Stains Are Common

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (17)

    Kids who roll around in clover yards will typically have bright green stains on their clothing. Clover stains are tougher to remove than grass stains.

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    Grass Must Be Completely Removed

    All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (18)

    Turfgrass will grow back into your all-clover lawn if it's not correctly tilled and removed first. If neighboring yards have grass, some of its seed may infiltrate your clover yard. However, having a mixed grass lawn of clover and some turfgrass is perfectly acceptable.

Types of Clover for Lawns

Among the many different types of clover, the two mainly used for lawns are white clover and microclover.

  • White clover (Trifolium repens) or Dutch clover: The most popular clover seed for lawns; it has round, white, and fragrant flowers. While it is a relatively short-lived perennial, it easily reseeds itself, only needing reseeding in bare spots.
  • Microclover or dwarf variety of Dutch white clover: This lower-growing clover has smaller leaves and fewer flowers. It does not grow in clumps, grows slower, and is less aggressive than white clover. It is often planted in combination with turfgrass. Popular varieties include 'Pirouette' and 'Pipolina'.

Disadvantages of Microclover

The disadvantages of microclover include poor tolerance to shade, high temperatures, and drought. It dies in the summer's height when cool-season turfgrasses such as tall fescue turn dormant.

These bare spots increase the likelihood of weeds. The weeds are opportunistic and will fill the empty spots unless you reseed the lawn promptly. Also, after the winter, bare spots might need to be reseeded in the spring.

All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (19)

Mixing Clover With Turfgrass

White clover is a vigorous grower. The plants compete with each other for water, especially when planted densely, and won’t do well in a drought. However, clover and turfgrasses, like tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass, are good companion plants.

Clover shades the soil, reduces water evaporation, and thus helps turfgrass survive periods of drought, eliminating the need for fertilizer.

How to Plant a Clover Lawn

The best lawn is a combination of turfgrass and clover (not an exclusive clover lawn). Clover needs constant moisture to germinate. Sow it in the early spring, in March or April.

  1. Leave existing turfgrass in place, but prepare it for the clover. Mow the grass shorter than usual, about 2 inches, so that the seeds reach the soil.
  2. Remove any thatchand rake or scratch the soil surface.
  3. The seeding rate for white clover ranges from 2 to 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Most seed suppliers recommend 1 pound per 1,000 square feet. The seeds are tiny, making even broadcasting challenging, but try your best not to cluster them.
  4. Water the seeded areas lightly with a spray nozzle and keep them evenly damp at all times, or else they won’t germinate. Daily watering is required in the absence of rain.
  5. Germination takes about one week, less in warm weather. Watering in the early evening will keep the seeds moist overnight and speed up their germination.Second, light watering during the day also prevents the seed from drying out.
  6. Keep watering until the seed has gotten its roots down a couple of inches, usually a couple of weeks.


To make broadcasting clover seed easier (and less attractive to birds), mix it with dry sand or kitty litter, mix it up well, and broadcast. The extra bulk increases the ease of handling, makes for a more even distribution, and leaves a visible trail to see where you have seeded.


  • Which is better, clover or lawn grass?

    In terms of ecological impact and maintenance, clover is better than lawn grass because clover attracts pollinators, adds nitrogen to the soil, requires less or no synthetic fertilizer, as well as less frequent mowing.

  • Does clover improve soil?

    Yes, clover improves soil by increasing its nitrogen content and reducing the need for artificial fertilizers. Its parasol-like leaves also help the soil retain moisture, suppress other weeds, and reduce the need for chemical herbicides.

  • Can you plant clover by throwing seeds on the soil?

    If the soil is bare, you can just throw the seeds, Clover seeds need to have contact with the soil to grow so you might have to do some prep work first to clear the soil of existing vegetation and weeds. If you are adding clover to existing grass, dethatch the lawn first, Thoroughly rake the area to remove the thatch and expose the bare spots, then scatter the seeds.

  • Does clover prevent weeds?

    Yes, clover aids in weed prevention. It is a very aggressive grower that forms dense mats, which suppresses weeds.

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All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them (2024)


All About Clover Lawns and How to Grow Them? ›

Prepare the soil for planting by raking or scratching it. Sow about 6 to 8 ounces of clover seed per 1,000 square feet. Since the seeds are small, try to keep them spread out like this across your lawn. After sowing the seeds, water the soil lightly or mist it frequently until the clover takes root.

What are the downsides of clover grass? ›

Some potential downsides of a clover lawn include its tendency to attract bees (which may be an issue for those with allergies or concerns about pets and children), its invasive growth pattern, and its potentially uneven appearance compared to a traditional grass lawn.

Can I just throw clover seed on the ground? ›

They are a great way to enhance the beauty of your garden while benefitting the environment! We see people asking if you can throw clover lawn seed on the ground and let nature take its course. And the answer is yes; you can throw the clover lawn seed down, and it will germinate and grow.

Do you have to reseed clover every year? ›

Clover is a short-lived perennial so many pure clover lawns may require a new round of seeding every two or three years. In mixed-grass lawns, though, clover will reseed itself easily and does not require any additional help.

Where do clover lawns grow best? ›

It thrives in USDA plant hardiness zones 3–10 (depending on the species). Some can withstand extreme cold, too. Soil type: Clover lawns can grow well in loamy or sandy soil, preferably with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Is clover toxic to dogs? ›

The answer is no. Clover is a safe food for dogs and has many nutritious benefits. The most important thing about Clover is its high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. That makes Clover one of the best sources of nutrition available to your dog!

Will clover choke out weeds? ›

Clover is resilient, and its strength actually smothers other weeds. If your mower is tired of picking up those pesky, hard-to-kill weeds, clover may be the way to go. Growing clover does not allow room for typical lawn weeds to thrive, meaning the lawns you mow could be weed-free and beautiful!

Does clover attract mosquitoes? ›

With thick foliage; great shapes; and superb adaptability, these plants not only drive mosquitoes away but bring beauty to your garden; attract beneficial insects and birds, and even liven up your summer cooking!

Does clover regrow after cutting? ›

It's easy to mow, but clover won't need that often. And after mowing, clover lawns will quickly recover and “fluff” back up within hours or days.

Will clover seed take over grass? ›

One of the best things about growing clover? You CAN plant it over your existing lawn! Another way to grow a Clover lawn is to simply overseed, or add seed to, your existing lawn.

Do clover lawns attract snakes? ›

Clover lawns will also provide safe haven and shelter to unwanted and disease-carrying pests, like ticks, snakes, and rodents, making your property less usable for playful kids and pets.

Does clover withstand dog urine? ›

Like other legumes, clover is able to capture nitrogen from the atmosphere and move it into the soil, making it available for plants to use. The deep roots make it drought tolerant and female dog urine won't discolor it. Clover attracts honeybees, bumble bees and other beneficial insects.

What is the lifespan of a clover plant? ›

It has been estimated that a white clover plant and its various branches usually can live for up to 20 years, but that some may survive for more than 100 years. One researcher reported that nearly three-fourths of white clover seed was able to germinate even after being stored in an unheated shed for 25 years.

Does mowing clover help it spread? ›

it spreads - similarly to grass AND by will spread by seed if you choose not to mow it. It pulls out easily when small.

Can you walk on a clover lawn? ›

Though clover can tolerate moderate amounts of foot traffic, it's not as resilient as more traditional turfgrasses. Mixing clover with turfgrass can fix this issue. You have a densely shaded lawn. Clover can handle partial shade, but most varieties aren't cut out for heavy shade.

What is the best fertilizer for clover? ›

Fertilizer rates of 0-20-20 or 5-15-15, at an application rate of 200 pounds per acre, should provide the clover with the nutrients it needs in early spring. In addition, fertilization of the clover plot should also be conducted in the fall. The same application rate works for both times of year.

Is clover a better lawn than grass? ›

Clover requires less water than traditional grass.

When mixed with (equally drought-tolerant) turfgrass, clover provides shade to the soil, reducing water evaporation and helping grass survive periods of drought.

Does clover grow back every year? ›

Depending on the species, clovers may have an annual or perennial life cycle. Both annual and perennial clovers begin to germinate in fall when soil temperatures are in the 50° to 60°F range. Germination continues throughout the winter and early spring months.


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.