Batt Insulation R-Value Per Inch + R11-R49 Thickness Chart (2024)

All bat insulations have relatively high R insulation values. In general, we can say that bat insulation R-value ranged between R-3 to R-4 per inch. There is a bit of variety between fiberglass, mineral wool, cotton, and cellulose bats, and we are going to cover all of them.

Namely, with batt insulation, we get these two kinds of questions:

  1. “What is batt insulation R-value per inch?”. Example: If we live in colder climates, we would need R-60 attic insulation, according to this attic R-value insulation chart. By knowing batt insulation R-value per inch, we can calculate the batt insulation thickness we need for up to R-60 attic insulation.
  2. “What is R-30 batt insulation thickness, what is R-38 batt insulation thickness, etc.?”. On batt insulation labels, we can see insulation R-values, including R-11, R-13, R-19, R-25, R-30, R-38, R-44, R-45, and R-49. For insulation planning, knowing how thick these batts are is quite essential.
Batt Insulation R-Value Per Inch + R11-R49 Thickness Chart (1)

We have 4 main types of pre-cut batt insulation materials; fiberglass batts, mineral wool batts, cotton batts, and cellulose bats. To be more precise and type-specific than “batt insulation has R-3 to R-4 per inch values”, we have prepared these two charts that will help you out with planning out your batt insulation:

  1. Batt Insulation R-Value Per Inch Chart (+ 2, 4, 8 Inch Thickness). In this 1st chart, we list R insulation values per inch for all 4 batt types. On top of that, we have also calculated the R-value for 2-inch, 4-inch, and 8-inch thick batts. Example: Fiberglass batts have R-2.9 to R-3.9 per inch insulation. That’s R-5.8 to R-7.8 for 2-inch thickness, R-11.6 to R-15.6 for 4-inch thickness, and R-23.2 to R-31.2 for 8-inch thickness.
  2. Batt Insulation Thickness Chart. In the 2nd chart (which might even be more useful), we list the commercially available fiberglass batt and mineral wool batt thicknesses for R-11, R-13, R-19, R-25, R-30, R-38, R-44, R-45, and R-49 insulation values. Example: For R-38 insulation value, we use 12.25-inch fiberglass batt or 10.25-inch mineral wool batt.

Alright, let’s first have a look at the batt insulation R-value per inch (1st chart), and then check the batt insulation thickness for specific R values (2nd chart):

Table of Contents

Batt R-Value Per Inch (2, 4, 8 Inches)

Type Of Batt Insulation:R-Value Per Inch:2 Inch R-Value:4 Inch R-Value:8 Inch R-Value:
Fiberglass BattR-2.9 To R-3.9R-5.8 To R-7.8R-11.6 To R-15.6R-23.2 To R-31.2
Mineral Wool Batt:R-3.1 To R-4.3R-6.2 To R-8.6R-12.4 To R-17.2R-24.8 To R-34.4
Cotton Batt:R-3.0 To R-3.7R-6.0 To R-7.4R-12.0 To R-14.8R-24.0 To R-29.6
Cellulose Batt:R-3.2 To R-3.8R-6.4 To R-7.6R-12.8 To R-15.2R-25.6 To R-30.4

As we can see from this 1st chart, the premise “batt insulation values range from R-3 to R-4” is quite in line with the actual R-values. Some of the lowest quality fiberglass batts can be below R-3 per inch (R-2.9, to be specific), and mineral wool batts can reach R-4.3 per inch insulation values.

Which batt has the highest R-value?

Just looking at the R values of these 4 types of batts, you can see that mineral wool and cellulose batts have, on average, a bit higher R-value per inch (up to R-4.3) than fiberglass and cotton batts (up to R-3.8). That’s why commercially available mineral wool batts don’t need to be as thick as fiberglass batts for the same R-value (more about that in the 2nd chart).

The difference at 1-inch R values are not all that substantial. However, when you check the 2-inch, 4-inch, and especially 8-inch batt thicknesses, we can see that the difference between “bad” fiberglass batt and “good” mineral wool batt can be over R-10 (R-11.2 difference for 8-inch batts, to be exact).

Let’s now look at the thickness of fiberglass and mineral wool batts ranging from R-11 to R-49 in this next chart:

Batt Insulation Thickness Chart

R Insulation Value:Batt Thickness (Inches):
R-113.5 Inch Fiberglass Batt
R-133.5 Inch Mineral Wool Batt
R-196.25 Inch Fiberglass Bat
R-236.25 Inch Mineral Wool Batt
R-258.25 Inch Fiberglass Batt
R-3010.25 Inch Fiberglass Batt or 8.25 Inch Mineral Wool Batt
R-3812.25 Inch Fiberglass Batt or 10.25 Inch Mineral Wool Batt
R-4414 Inch Fiberglass Batt
R-4512.25 Inch Mineral Wool Batt
R-4914 Inch Mineral Wool Batt

Here, the difference between standard R-value fiberglass and mineral wool batts is very obvious. Here are the batt thickness that corresponds to specific R insulation values:

  • For R-11 insulation, you need a 3.5-inch fiberglass batt.
  • For R-13insulation, you need a 3.5-inch mineral wool batt.
  • For R-19 insulation, you need a 6.25-inch fiberglass batt.
  • For R-23 insulation, you need a 6.25-inch mineral wool batt.
  • For R-25 insulation, you need an 8.25-inch fiberglass batt.
  • For R-30 insulation, you need a 10.25-inch fiberglass batt or an 8.25-inch mineral wool batt.
  • For R-38 insulation, you need a 12.25-inch fiberglass batt or a 10.25-inch mineral wool batt.
  • For R-44 insulation, you need a 14-inch fiberglass batt.
  • For R-45 insulation, you need a 12.25-inchmineral woolbatt.
  • For R-49 insulation, you need a 14-inch mineral wool batt.

You can see the difference in fiberglass vs. mineral wool batt thicknesses for the most common R-30 and R-38 batts in 2 inches in favor of thinner mineral wool batt. Example: For R-30, we have a 10.25-inch fiberglass batt vs. an 8.25-inch mineral wool batt.

You can also notice that for the highest R-values, we generally use mineral wool batts (12.25-inch thick batts for R-45 insulation and 14-inch batts for R-49 insulation).

We hope that you can find everything you need regarding the batt insulation R-values in these 2 charts. If you have any questions, additions, or suggestions, you can use the comment section below. Thank you.

Related posts:
  1. Insulation R-Value Chart: R-Values Per Inch (For 51 Materials)
  2. All 9 Types Of Insulation Explained (Materials, R-Values, Applications)
  3. Rigid Insulation R-Value Per Inch (+ EPS, XPS, ISO Thickness Charts)
  4. U-Value To R-Value: How To Convert U-Factor To R? (Calculator + Chart)
  5. Best Attic Insulation R-Value? Recommended R-Values For Attic
Batt Insulation R-Value Per Inch + R11-R49 Thickness Chart (2024)


How many inches thick is R49 insulation? ›

Fiberglass Chart
R-ValueThicknessBags / 1000 Sq Ft
1 more row

How thick is R11 batt insulation? ›

8 ft. x 3.5 in. x 16 in. Product Weight (lb.)

Is r11 or r19 insulation better? ›

The higher the R-Value, the greater the insulation performance.

What is the thickness and R-value of batt insulation? ›

R Value Of Materials And Depths
MaterialR-value/in3 1/2"
Fiberglass (batt)3.1 - 3.410.8 - 11.9
Fiberglass blown (attic)2.2 - 4.37.7 - 15.0
Fiberglass blown (wall)3.7 - 4.312.9 - 15.0
Mineral Wool (batt)3.1 - 3.410.8 - 11.9
9 more rows
Jun 30, 2019

What is the difference between r38 and R49? ›

R-38 is Fall & Spring protection. > R-49 gives you Winter & Summer protection. During Atlanta's hot sunny days, you might squeak by with R-38 if you have plenty of mid-day and afternoon shade and a lighter colored roof.

Is R49 worth it? ›

R49 or R60 insulation is necessary for extreme climates, but they can be an unnecessary expense if you live in a more temperate area. Typical R-values range from R13 to R60, although some products may offer higher or lower values. The higher the R-value, the better the insulating power of that material.

Where to use R11 insulation? ›

For Use in AtticsNoFor Use in Walls
For Use in Basem*ntsYesFor Use in Windows
For Use in CeilingsNoFormaldehyde Free
For Use in CrawlspacesNoFraming Type
20 more rows

Does compressing fiberglass insulation reduce R-value? ›

The North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) says: “When you compress fiber glass batt insulation, the R-value per inch goes up, but the overall R-value goes down because you have less inches or thickness of insulation.”

How thick is R 22 batt insulation? ›

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Is R11 good for exterior walls? ›

For new construction or home additions, R-11 to R-28 insulation is recommended for exterior walls depending on location (see map below).

What is the strongest R value insulation? ›

Rigid Foam Insulation. Rigid foam is the clear winner if you're looking for the highest R-value home insulation you can get. With an R-value of R-4 to R-6.5 per inch of thickness, it's ideal for insulating exterior walls, including basem*nt walls.

Should I use faced or unfaced insulation? ›

Faced insulation is best for locations prone to moisture, while unfaced insulation is best for dry, interior locations. Unfaced insulation is more sound-proof and cost-friendly. Faced insulation is more fire-resistant and costly. Inspect your insulation annually to make sure it hasn't fallen.

What is the thinnest insulation with the highest R-value? ›

Thermablok® Aerogel is a revolutionary advancement in thermal technology offering the thinnest insulation available to prevent thermal and cold bridging. Classed as a Super Insulation, Aerogel has the highest insulation value of any known material with the lowest thermal conductivity value of any solid (0.015W/mK).

Can you over insulate a house? ›

The short answer is, yes, you can over-insulate your home. While your home should be well-insulated against the cold and keep you cool during hot summer months, that doesn't mean you should cram the walls full.

What is the R-value of batt insulation for a 2x4 wall? ›

Fiberglass and rock wool batts—2x4 walls can hold R-13 or R-15 batts; 2x6 walls can have R-19 or R-21 products. Generally, batt insulation is the least expensive wall insulation material but requires careful installation for effective performance (see page 4).

How many inches of closed cell spray foam for R49? ›

The recent changes to the CT building code stipulate a resistance value of 49 for new construction in all ceilings above a heated living space. While an R-49 Fiberglass batt is available, it requires 16 inches of space. That same space can be insulated with spray foam to a value of R-49 in just 7 inches.

How many inches thick should attic insulation be? ›

The recommended level for most attics is to insulate to R-38 or about 10 to 14 inches, depending on insulation type.

What is the R-value of 12 inches of loose fill fiberglass insulation? ›

The question deals with the thermal resistance, or 'R' value, of loose fill fiberglass insulation. Around 12 inches of this material would approximately give an R-value of R30. Correct answer is D) R30.

How many inches thick is r60 insulation? ›

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