Generalized Additive Models (2024)

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This is also a flexible and smooth technique which captures the Non linearities in the data and helps us to fit Non linear Models.In this article I am going to discuss the implementation of GAMs in R using the 'gam' package .Simply saying GAMs are just a Generalized version of Linear Models in which the Predictors \(X_i\) depend Linearly or Non linearly on some Smooth Non Linear functions like Splines , Polynomials or Step functions etc.

The Regression Function \(F(x) \) gets modified in Generalized Additive Models , and only due to this transformation the GAMs are better in terms of Generalization to random unseen data , fits the data very smoothly and flexibly without adding Complexities or much variance to the Model most of the times.

The basic idea in Splines is that we are going to fit Smooth Non linear Functions on a bunch of Predictors \(X_i\) . Additive in the name means we are going to fit and retain the additivity of the Linear Models.

The Regression Equation becomes:
$$f(x) \ = y_i \ = \alpha \ + f_1(x_{i1}) \ + f_2(x_{i2}) \ + …. f_p(x_{ip}) \ + \epsilon_i$$

where the functions \(f_1,f_2,f_3,….f_p \) are different Non Linear Functions on variables \(X_p\) .

Let’s begin with its Implementation in R —
We will use the gam() function in R to fit a GAM.

#requiring the Package require(gam)#ISLR package contains the 'Wage' Datasetrequire(ISLR)attach(Wage) #Mid-Atlantic Wage Data?Wage # To search more on the dataset?gam() # To search on the gam function gam1<-gam(wage~s(age,df=6)+s(year,df=6)+education ,data = Wage)#in the above function s() is the shorthand for fitting smoothing splines #in gam() functionsummary(gam1)## ## Call: gam(formula = wage ~ s(age, df = 6) + s(year, df = 6) + education, ## data = Wage)## Deviance Residuals:## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -119.89 -19.73 -3.28 14.27 214.45 ## ## (Dispersion Parameter for gaussian family taken to be 1235.516)## ## Null Deviance: 5222086 on 2999 degrees of freedom## Residual Deviance: 3685543 on 2983 degrees of freedom## AIC: 29890.31 ## ## Number of Local Scoring Iterations: 2 ## ## Anova for Parametric Effects## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## s(age, df = 6) 1 200717 200717 162.456 < 2.2e-16 ***## s(year, df = 6) 1 22090 22090 17.879 2.425e-05 ***## education 4 1069323 267331 216.372 < 2.2e-16 ***## Residuals 2983 3685543 1236 ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## Anova for Nonparametric Effects## Npar Df Npar F Pr(F) ## (Intercept) ## s(age, df = 6) 5 26.2089 <2e-16 ***## s(year, df = 6) 5 1.0144 0.4074 ## education ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Now in the above code we are fitting a GAM which is Non linear in ‘age’ and ‘year’ with 6 degrees of freedom because they are fitted using Smoothing Splines , whereas it is Linear in Terms of variable ‘education’.

Plotting the Model

#Plotting the Modelpar(mfrow=c(1,3)) #to partition the Plotting Windowplot(gam1,se = TRUE) #se stands for standard error Bands

Gives this plot:
Generalized Additive Models (1)

The above image has 3 different plots for each variable included in the Model.The X-axis contains the variable values itself and the Y-axis contains the Response values i.e the Salaries.
From the plots and their shapes we can see that Salary first increases with ‘age’ then decreases after around 60.For variable ‘year’ the Salaries tend to increase , and it seems that there is a decrease in salary at around year 2007 or 2008. And for the Categorical variable ‘education’ , Salary also increases monotonically. The curvy shapes for the variables ‘age’ and ‘year’ is due to the Smoothing splines which models the Non linearities in the data.The dotted Lines around the main curve lines are the Standard Error Bands.

Hence this is a very effective way of fitting Non linear functions on several variables and producing the plots for each and study the effect on the Response.

Logistic Regression using GAM

We can also fit a Logistic Regression Model using GAMs for predicting the Probabilities of the Binary Response values. We will use the identity I() function to convert the Response to a Binary variable.

#logistic Regression Modellogitgam1<-gam(I(wage > 250) ~ s(age,df=4) + s(year,df=4) + education ,data=Wage,family=binomial)plot(logitgam1,se=T)

In this Logistic Regression Model we are trying to find the conditional probability for the Wage variable which can take 2 values either, \( P(wage>250 \ | \ X_i) \) and \( P(wage<250 \ | \ X_i) \).
Gives this plot:
Generalized Additive Models (2)

Generalized Additive Models (3)

Generalized Additive Models (4)

The above Plots are the same as the first Model,difference is that the Y-axis will now be the Logit \( log\frac{P(X)}{(1-P(X))} \) of the Probability values , and we now fit using 4 degrees of freedom for the variables ‘age’ and ‘year’ and again linear in terms of ‘education’ variable.

In the above Plot for ‘Year’ variable we can see that the error bands are quiet wide and broad.This might be an indication that our Non linear function fitted for ‘Year’ variable is not significant.

Now we can also check if we need Non linear terms for Year using Anova Test

We are now going to fit another model which in Linear in variable ‘year’.

#fitting the Additive Regression Model which is linear in Yearlogitgam2<-gam(I(wage >250) ~ s(age,df=4)+ year + education , data =Wage, family = binomial)plot(logitgam2)

Gives this plot:
Generalized Additive Models (5)

Generalized Additive Models (6)

Generalized Additive Models (7)

Now for this Model,we don’t fit a Non linear function on ‘year’ variable , and it is simply a linear function in nature.As we can analyze from the plot above for ‘year’ , it is linear i.e a straight line (a polynomial of degree 1).

Now we will use anova() function in R for checking the goodness of fit for the above models, one which is Non Linear in Year and another which is Linear in Year.

#anova() function to test the goodness of fit and choose the best Model#Using Chi-squared Non parametric Test due to Binary Classification Problem and categorical Targetanova(logitgam1,logitgam2,test = "Chisq")## Analysis of Deviance Table## ## Model 1: I(wage > 250) ~ s(age, df = 4) + s(year, df = 4) + education## Model 2: I(wage > 250) ~ s(age, df = 4) + year + education## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)## 1 2987 602.87 ## 2 2990 603.78 -3 -0.90498 0.8242

The above results indicate that Model 2 i.e the one which is linear in terms of ‘year’ variable is significant and much better.Hence this indicates that we don’t need a GAM which fits a Non linear function for variable ‘year’.

Another way of Fitting a GAM

Now we can also fit a Generalized Additive Model using the lm() function in R,which stands for linear Model.And then we can fit Non linear functions on different variables \(X_i\) using the ns() or bs() function which stands for natural splines and cubic splines and add them to the Regression Model.

lm1<-lm(wage ~ ns(age,df=4) + ns(year,df=4)+ education , data = Wage)#ns() is function used to fit a Natural Cubic Splinelm1#Now plotting the Modelplot.gam(lm1,se=T)## ## Call:## lm(formula = wage ~ ns(age, df = 4) + ns(year, df = 4) + education, ## data = Wage)## ## Coefficients:## (Intercept) ns(age, df = 4)1 ## 43.976 46.541 ## ns(age, df = 4)2 ns(age, df = 4)3 ## 29.070 63.853 ## ns(age, df = 4)4 ns(year, df = 4)1 ## 10.881 8.417 ## ns(year, df = 4)2 ns(year, df = 4)3 ## 3.596 8.000 ## ns(year, df = 4)4 education2. HS Grad ## 6.701 10.870 ## education3. Some College education4. College Grad ## 23.354 38.112 ## education5. Advanced Degree ## 62.517

Gives this plot:
Generalized Additive Models (8)

Generalized Additive Models (9)

Generalized Additive Models (10)

Hence as the plot shows that the output of lm() function is also similar and same.It does not makes a difference if we use gam() or lm() to fit Generalized Additive Models.Both produce exactly same results.


Generalized Additive Models are a very nice and effective way of fitting Non linear Models which are smooth and flexible.Best part is that they lead to interpretable Models. We can easily mix terms in GAMs,some linear and some Non Linear terms and then compare those Models using the anova() function which performs a Anova test for goodness of fit.The non linear terms on Predictors \(X_i\) can be anything from smoothing splines , natural cubic splines to polynomial functions or step functions etc. GAMs are additive in nature , which means there are no interaction terms in the Model.

Thanks a lot for reading the article,and make sure to like and share it.Cheers!

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    Generalized Additive Models (2024)


    Generalized Additive Models? ›

    In statistics, a generalized additive model (GAM) is a generalized linear model in which the linear response variable depends linearly on unknown smooth functions of some predictor variables, and interest focuses on inference about these smooth functions.

    What is the difference between a GAM and a glm? ›

    Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) are an extension of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) in such a way that predictor variables can be modeled non-parametrically in addition to linear and polynomial terms for other predictors.

    What is the difference between linear regression and generalized additive model? ›

    Unlike linear regression, where each predictor term in the additive model is assumed to vary linearly with the predictand (unless specified otherwise by the developer), GAM is a nonparametric tool that makes use of the data to automatically estimate the appropriate functional (curvative) relationship for each predictor ...

    Why use a gamm? ›

    Like GAMs, GAMMs allow for non-linear relationships between predictors and the response variable by fitting smooth functions to each predictor.

    What is the gam model in R? ›

    A generalized additive model (GAM) is a generalized linear model (GLM) in which the linear predictor is given by a user specified sum of smooth functions of the covariates plus a conventional parametric component of the linear predictor.

    Why use GLM instead of linear regression? ›

    As the name indicates, GLM is a generalized form of linear regressions. It is more flexible than linear regression because: GLM works when the output variables are not continuous or unbounded. GLM allows changes in unconstrained inputs to affect the output variable on an appropriately constrained scale.

    When to use a generalized additive model? ›

    Unlike linear models, GAMs can capture non-linear patterns by combining multiple smooth functions of predictor variables. GAMs are particularly valuable when investigating intricate dependencies, making them a crucial tool for data analysis and predictive modeling.

    What is an example of a generalized additive model? ›

    Examples include the R packages mboost , which implements a boosting approach; gss , which provides the full spline smoothing methods; VGAM which provides vector GAMs; and gamlss , which provides Generalized additive model for location, scale and shape.

    What are the assumptions of a GAM? ›

    #5 – Assumptions

    GLMs and GAMs make assumptions about the distribution of the response variable, independence of observations, and appropriate link function choice. However, GAMs additionally assume the smoothness of the functions used to model the predictor-response relationships.

    What is a generalized additive model of classification? ›

    Description. A ClassificationGAM object is a generalized additive model (GAM) object for binary classification. It is an interpretable model that explains class scores (the logit of class probabilities) using a sum of univariate and bivariate shape functions.

    Is GAM parametric or nonparametric? ›

    1. A GAM (semi-parametric GLM) is a GLM where the linear predictor depends linearly on unknown smooth functions. 3. Parameters, θ, and smooth functions, fj, are unknown.

    How to predict using GAM in R? ›

    As with most models in R, you can make predictions from a GAM object with the predict() function. Simply running predict() on a model, in this case our logistic model of purchasing behavior, will yield a vector of predictions for each data point in the data set we used to fit the model.

    What is the gam model in excel? ›

    Generalized Additive Models or GAMs allow modeling an outcome according to nonlinear smoothing functions of predictors. Cubic splines are among the commonly used nonlinear functions in this context.

    What is the difference between general and generalized linear model? ›

    The main difference between the two approaches is that the general linear model strictly assumes that the residuals will follow a conditionally normal distribution, while the GLM loosens this assumption and allows for a variety of other distributions from the exponential family for the residuals.

    What is the difference between GAM and gmm? ›

    GAM is gram atomic mass and GMM is gram molecular mass. These are functionally same as the molar mass. GMM is the mass in gram of one mole of a molecular substance .

    What is the difference between GAM and random forest? ›

    Random forest models include potentially complex interactions between covariates. It is not surprising therefore that the two curves are different when given different, albeit static, values of the other two covariates. Your GAM is strictly additive and includes no interactions (as you've fitted it).

    What is the difference between GMM and GLM? ›

    GMM is a mixture of the weighted sum of different Gaussian distributions that describe the number of classes in the data. GLM is a statistical modeling technique identifying various relationships between a response variable and predictor variables.


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