How To Stop Dog Urinary Incontinence With Holistic Options - Veterinary Secrets with Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM (2024)

ByDr. Andrew JonesFebruary 23, 20136 Comments

Urinary incontinence (leaking urine) is surprisingly common in many dogs. In spite of what you may think, most cases of urinary incontinence can be resolved with some fairly simple treatments. In this article I will discuss the common signs and symptoms of dogs being incontinent, then cover the most important natural remedies that can be used to treat your dog’s leaking bladder at home.

The first thing to do is ascertain that it really is incontinence, and not a bladder infection or submissive urination. Incontinence is defined as involuntary urine leakage, and this often occurs at night when your dog is relaxed or sleeping. Dogs with diabetes or kidney failure may drink excessively, and then be unable to go through the night without urinating in the house. The most common occurrence is in middle-aged spayed female dogs. They have lost a source of estrogen that is needed to maintain bladder control. Other less common causes include bladder infections, and spinal cord damage.

As there can be several causes, you should first visit your veterinarian to determine the most likely cause. They can perform a physical exam, a urinalysis to check for presence of infection, and blood work to check organ function. If it is determined that estrogen responsive incontinence is the likely diagnosis, then your veterinarian may suggest using estrogen medication.

Some glandular supplements can help your spayed female dog produce more natural estrogen. These are generally known as raw gland concentrates. One product available at health food stores is called ‘Female Caps‘ (Solaray). The dose is 1/4 capsule per 10 lbs of body weight daily. This can be tried for 30 days to see if it will be effective.

Naturally increasing estrogen is a smart and simple thing to do. Ground flax seed is a great source of plant estrogens – the dose is 1 teaspoon per cup of food daily. Soy isoflavones are another good source of estrogen. These can be purchased as an extract under the brand name Genista. The dose is 1/4 capsule per 10 lbs of body weight daily. Use for 30 days to see if they are effective.

Back injuries sometimes put pressure on the nerves that control the bladder. Hold your thumb and index finger and locate the dip between the vertebrae on either side of your pet’s backbone. Press straight down for two seconds then release. Start at the middle of the spine and go to the tail. This helps move the spine, keeping it flexible and may release any excess pressure on the nerves.

There are acupressure points that control the bladder as well as influencing the adrenal glands. BL1, located on the inside of the eye; BL13, BL14, BL15, located along the spine at the level of the front shoulder; BL67, located on the outside of the lateral toe on the rear foot; SP6, located on the inside of the back leg above the hock; SP10, located just above the knee. Put pressure on each of the points for 1 minute twice daily for 2 weeks. If this appears to be helping regain control, repeat the pressure once per week.

If your dog is incontinent, take comfort in knowing that this can likely be easily remedied. If you have a spayed female dog, the most likely cause is hormonal, with the diagnosis being estrogen responsive incontinence.

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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How To Stop Dog Urinary Incontinence With Holistic Options - Veterinary Secrets with Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM (2024)


What is the Chinese herb for dog incontinence? ›

Chinese Herbs for Incontinence in Dogs? Suo Quan Wan is a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) herbal blend to treat incontinence in dogs, cats, and horses. The Western Medical Indication for this herbal formula is urinary incontinence.

How to treat dog incontinence naturally? ›

Natural Incontinence Remedies include:
  1. Phytoestrogens. There are plant-derived estrogens used to treat spay-related incontinence.
  2. Corn Silk. Some people use corn silk as a supportive treatment and remedy.
  3. Saw Palmetto. This herb works as an anti-inflammatory.
  4. Sang Piao Xiao San. ...
  5. Acupuncture.

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Often PPA is prescribed in combination with synthetic estrogen to replace the lost hormones. Your dog will stay on PPA for the rest of her life to manage the incontinence.

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Medical Treatments for Incontinent Dogs

Certain medical procedures can help dogs suffering from incontinence. And the good news is that, in the vast majority of cases, these treatments are 100% successful. So if you're concerned that your ageing dog is developing an incontinence problem, talk to your vet.

What is the best natural supplement for incontinence? ›

Supplements for Incontinence and Overactive Bladder
  • Vitamin D. Recent studies found that women over the age of 20 with normal vitamin D ranges were much less likely to suffer from a pelvic floor disorder, like incontinence. ...
  • Gosha-jinki-gan. ...
  • Buchu. ...
  • Cornsilk. ...
  • Saw palmetto. ...
  • Magnesium. ...
  • Ganoderma lucidum.
Mar 27, 2018

What essential oils help with urinary incontinence in dogs? ›

For cases such as Female Urinary Incontinence in dogs (males seem to respond somewhat differently) – Copaiba as a single essential oil is “king”.

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Control of urine leakage will vary from dog to dog, but most dogs can be managed successfully with medication, close monitoring, and lifestyle changes such as more frequent trips outside to urinate.

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What is phenylpropanolamine? Phenylpropanolamine (brand names: Proin®, Propalin®, Cystolamine®, Uricon®, Uriflex-PT®) is a sympathomimetic medication used to treat urinary incontinence due to poor muscle tone in the urethral sphincter.

What foods help dogs with incontinence? ›

Changing to a raw, grain-free diet may help improve incontinence issues by supporting optimal bladder health. At the very least a grain-free and/or hypoallergenic diet may be worth trying for several weeks to see how the animal responds.

Should I put my senior dog down for incontinence? ›

In some cases, a dog that age no longer has control of their bladder. The same thing happens in all old animals, and when it can no longer be treated, the only thing to do is look into alternatives like diapers. As you have already thought about, euthanasia is the last option.

How do you live with an incontinent dog? ›

You can also take steps to manage the effects of your dog's incontinence on your home, such as:
  1. Using doggie diapers.
  2. Walking the dog more frequently.
  3. Using waterproof pads under their bedding.
  4. Maintaining proper hygiene to prevent skin infection.
Sep 4, 2023

What medications cause incontinence in dogs? ›

Commonly prescribed medications such as prednisone (a form of cortisone) and furosemide (a diuretic or "water pill") typically cause increased thirst. Some dogs develop urinary incontinence (involuntary urine leakage).

Can gabapentin help dogs urinary incontinence? ›

Occasionally, it also seems that urinary incontinence in dogs has improved on gabapentin. But it is unclear if this can be attributed to gabapentin or other factors. If you are worried about changes in your dog's urination volume or frequency, contact your veterinarian for advice.

At what age do dogs become incontinent? ›

Incontinence in dogs often begins when the pet enters middle age, but different breeds become middle-aged at different times. For example, very large dogs are considered middle-aged when they reach around five while small terriers are still considered young at this age.

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For instance, you can use your foot to push their back leg up into a higher position when they begin to raise their leg to pee; this should cause the urine to flow sideways rather than forward. With repetition, your pup may eventually pick up the proper "safe peeing position" that prevents paw wetness.

What are Chinese herbs for urination? ›

Alpinia oxyphylla. Alpinia oxyphylla is known as “yì zhì (益智)” in Chinese. For centuries, the capsular fruit of this plant has been widely utilized in TCM to address specific symptoms of urinary incontinence, including frequency, urgency, and nocturia.

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Because vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the dog pee to offset its odor. To make your all-purpose cleaner, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then spray the cleaner on the urine spot, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wipe it up using a clean, dry cloth.

What is the Chinese herb for dogs? ›

Yunnan Baiyao has been used for many years in dogs to help prevent bleeding, and is most used when a dog has a hemoabdomen (free floating blood in the belly, often from a ruptured tumor or injury to the liver or spleen), pericardial effusion (blood accumulating outside the heart wall), and epistaxis (nose bleeds).


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