The complete works of H.P. Lovecraft - Lovecraft Stories (2024)

Table of Contents
The complete listTotal: 65 = Has audio At the Mountains of MadnessMarch 1931| Wikipedia| | AzathothJune 1922| Wikipedia| Beyond the Wall of SleepJanuary 1919| Wikipedia| | CelephaisNovember 1920| Wikipedia| Cool AirMarch 1926| Wikipedia| DagonJuly 1917| Wikipedia| | Ex OblivioneSeptember 1921| Wikipedia| Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His FamilyJanuary 1920| Wikipedia| From BeyondJanuary 1920| Wikipedia| | HeAugust 1925| Wikipedia| Herbert West–ReanimatorJune 1922| Wikipedia| | HypnosMarch 1922| Wikipedia| IbidJanuary 1928| Wikipedia| Imprisoned with the PharaohsMay 1924| Wikipedia| In The VaultSeptember 1925| Wikipedia| MemoryJanuary 1919| Wikipedia| NyarlathotepJanuary 1920| Wikipedia| | Pickman's ModelSeptember 1926| Wikipedia PolarisJanuary 1918| Wikipedia The AlchemistJanuary 1908| Wikipedia| The Beast in the CaveMarch 1905| Wikipedia| | The BookNovember 1933| Wikipedia| The Call of CthulhuJune 1926| Wikipedia| | The Case of Charles Dexter WardMarch 1927| Wikipedia The Cats of UltharJune 1920| Wikipedia| | The Colour out of SpaceMarch 1927| Wikipedia| | The Curse of YigOctober 1928| Wikipedia The DescendantJanuary 1926| Wikipedia| The Doom That Came to SarnathNovember 1919| Wikipedia| | The Dream-Quest of Unknown KadathJanuary 1927| Wikipedia| The Dreams in the Witch HouseFebruary 1932| Wikipedia| The Dunwich HorrorJanuary 1928| Wikipedia| | The Evil ClergymanJanuary 1933| Wikipedia| | The FestivalOctober 1923| Wikipedia| | The Haunter of the DarkNovember 1935| Wikipedia| The Horror At Red HookAugust 1925| Wikipedia| | The HoundSeptember 1922| Wikipedia| | The Lurking FearNovember 1922| Wikipedia| | The Moon-BogJune 1926| Wikipedia| | The MoundJanuary 1930| Wikipedia The Music oF Erich ZannMarch 1921| Wikipedia| | The Nameless CityJanuary 1921| Wikipedia| | The Other GodsAugust 1921| Wikipedia| The OutsiderAugust 1921| Wikipedia| | The Picture in the HouseDecember 1920| Wikipedia The Quest of IranonFebruary 1921| Wikipedia| The Rats in the WallsSeptember 1923| Wikipedia| The Shadow Out of TimeMarch 1934| Wikipedia| The Shadow Over InnsmouthApril 1936| Wikipedia| | The Shunned HouseOctober 1924| Wikipedia The Silver KeyJanuary 1926| Wikipedia The Statement of Randolph CarterDecember 1919| Wikipedia| The Strange High House in the MistNovember 1926| Wikipedia| The StreetNovember 1919| Wikipedia The TempleJanuary 1920| Wikipedia| The Terrible Old ManJanuary 1920| Wikipedia The Thing on the DoorstepAugust 1933| Wikipedia| The TombJune 1917| Wikipedia| The Transition of Juan RomeroSeptember 1919| Wikipedia The TreeJanuary 1920| Wikipedia The UnnamableSeptember 1923| Wikipedia| The Very Old FolkNovember 1927| Wikipedia The Whisperer in DarknessSeptember 1930| Wikipedia| | The White ShipNovember 1919| Wikipedia What the Moon BringsJune 1922| Wikipedia References

The complete list
Total: 65 = Has audio

At the Mountains of Madness
March 1931| Wikipedia| |

II am forced intospeech because men of science have refused to follow my advice withoutknowing why. It is altogether against my will that I tell my reasonsfor opposing this contemplated invasion of the antarctic - with itsvast fossil..
Read At the Mountains of Madness

June 1922| Wikipedia|

When age fell uponthe world, and wonder went out of the minds of men; when grey citiesreared to smoky skies tall towers grim and ugly, in whose shadow nonemight dream of the sun or of Spring's flowering meads; when learningstripped the Earth of her..
Read Azathoth

Beyond the Wall of Sleep
January 1919| Wikipedia| |

I have often wonderedif the majority of mankind ever pause to reflect upon the occasionallytitanic significance of dreams, and of the obscure world to which theybelong. Whilst the greater number of our nocturnal visions are perhapsno more than faint and fantastic reflections of our waking experiences-..
Read Beyond the Wall of Sleep

November 1920| Wikipedia|

In a dream Kuranessaw the city in the valley, and the seacoast beyond, and the snowy peakoverlooking the sea, and the gaily painted galleys that sail out ofthe harbour toward distant regions where the sea meets the sky. In adream it was also that..
Read Celephais

Cool Air
March 1926| Wikipedia|

You ask me to explainwhy I am afraid of a draught of cool air; why I shiver more than othersupon entering a cold room, and seem nauseated and repelled when thechill of evening creeps through the heat of a mild autumn day. Thereare those who say I respond to cold as others do to a bad odour, and..
Read Cool Air

July 1917| Wikipedia| |

I am writing thisunder an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more.Penniless, and at the end of my supply of the drug which alone, makeslife endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall cast myselffrom this garret..
Read Dagon

Ex Oblivione
September 1921| Wikipedia|

When the last dayswere upon me, and the ugly trifles of existence began to drive me tomadness like the small drops of water that torturers let fall ceaselesslyupon one spot of their victims body, I loved the irradiate refuge ofsleep. In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly..
Read Ex Oblivione

Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family
January 1920| Wikipedia|

ILife is a hideousthing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacalhints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous.Science, already oppressive with its shocking revelations, will perhapsbe the ultimate exterminator of our human species—if..
Read Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family

From Beyond
January 1920| Wikipedia| |

Horrible beyondconception was the change which had taken place in my best friend, CrawfordTillinghast. I had not seen him since that day, two months and a halfbefore, when he told me toward what goal his physical and metaphysicalresearches were leading; when he had answered my awed and almost..
Read From Beyond

August 1925| Wikipedia|

I saw him on a sleeplessnight when I was walking desperately to save my soul and my vision.My coming to New York had been a mistake; for whereas I had looked forpoignant wonder and inspiration in the teeming labyrinths of ancientstreets that twist endlessly from forgotten courts and squares and..
Read He

Herbert West–Reanimator
June 1922| Wikipedia| |

I.From The DarkOfHerbert West, who was my friend in college and in after life, I canspeak only with extreme terror. This terror is not due altogether tothe sinister manner of his recent disappearance, but was engenderedby the whole nature of his life-work, and first gained its..
Read Herbert West–Reanimator

March 1922| Wikipedia|

Apropos of sleep, that sinister adventure of all our nights, wemay say that men go to bed daily with an audacity that would be incomprehensibleif we did not know that it is the result of ignorance of the danger.BaudelaireMay the mercifulgods,..
Read Hypnos

January 1928| Wikipedia|

" Ibid saysin his famous Lives of the Poets."From a student theme.The erroneous ideathat Ibid is the author of the Lives is so frequently met with, evenamong those pretending to a degree of culture, that it is worth correcting.It should..
Read Ibid

Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
May 1924| Wikipedia|

Mystery attractsmystery. Ever since the wide appearance of my name as a performer ofunexplained feats, I have encountered strange narratives and eventswhich my calling has led people to link with my interests and activities.Some of these have been trivial and irrelevant, some deeply dramaticand..
Read Imprisoned with the Pharaohs

In The Vault
September 1925| Wikipedia|

There is nothingmore absurd, as I view it, than that conventional association of thehomely and the wholesome which seems to pervade the psychology of themultitude. Mention a bucolic Yankee setting, a bungling and thick-fibredvillage undertaker, and a careless mishap in a tomb, and no averagereader..
Read In The Vault

January 1919| Wikipedia|

In the valley ofNis the accursed waning moon shines thinly, tearing a path for its lightwith feeble horns through the lethal foliage of a great uperas-tree.And within the depths of the valley, where the light reaches not, moveforms not meant to be beheld. Rank is the herbage on each slope, where..
Read Memory

January 1920| Wikipedia| |

Nyarlathotep...the crawling chaos... I am the last... I will tell the audient void...I do not recalldistinctly when it began, but it was months ago. The general tensionwas horrible. To a season of political and social upheaval was added..
Read Nyarlathotep

Pickman's Model
September 1926| Wikipedia

You needn't thinkI'm crazy, Eliot- plenty of others have queerer prejudices than this.Why don't you laugh at Oliver's grandfather, who won't ride in a motor?If I don't like that damned subway, it's my own business; and we gothere more quickly anyhow in the taxi. We'd have had to walk up the hill..
Read Pickman's Model

January 1918| Wikipedia

Into the North Windowof my chamber glows the Pole Star with uncanny light. All through thelong hellish hours of blackness it shines there. And in the autumn ofthe year, when the winds from the north curse and whine, and the red-leavedtrees of the swamp mutter things to one another in the small hours..
Read Polaris

The Alchemist
January 1908| Wikipedia|

High up, crowningthe grassy summit of a swelling mount whose sides are wooded near thebase with the gnarled trees of the primeval forest stands the old chateauof my ancestors. For centuries its lofty battlements have frowned downupon the wild and rugged countryside about, serving as a home and stronghold..
Read The Alchemist

The Beast in the Cave
March 1905| Wikipedia| |

The horrible conclusionwhich had been gradually intruding itself upon my confused and reluctantmind was now an awful certainty. I was lost, completely, hopelesslylost in the vast and labyrinthine recess of the Mammoth Cave. Turn asI might, in no..
Read The Beast in the Cave

The Book
November 1933| Wikipedia|

My memories arevery confused. There is even much doubt as to where they begin; forat times I feel appalling vistas of years stretching behind me, whileat other times it seems as if the present moment were an isolated pointin a grey, formless infinity. I am not even certain how I am communicating..
Read The Book

The Call of Cthulhu
June 1926| Wikipedia| |

Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival...a survival of a hugely remote period when... consciousness was manifested,perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tideof advancing humanity.....
Read The Call of Cthulhu

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
March 1927| Wikipedia

The essential Saltes of Animals may be so prepared andpreserved, that an ingenious Man may have the whole Ark of Noah inhis own Studie, and raise the fine Shape of an Animal out of its Ashesat his Pleasure; and by the lyke..
Read The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

The Cats of Ulthar
June 1920| Wikipedia| |

It is said thatin Ulthar, which lies beyond the river Skai, no man may kill a cat;and this I can verily believe as I gaze upon him who sitteth purringbefore the fire. For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange thingswhich men cannot see. He is..
Read The Cats of Ulthar

The Colour out of Space
March 1927| Wikipedia| |

West of Arkham thehills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe hasever cut. There are dark narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically,and where thin brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glintof sunlight...
Read The Colour out of Space

The Curse of Yig
October 1928| Wikipedia

In 1925 I went into Oklahoma looking for snake lore, and I came out with a fear of snakes thatwill last me the rest of my life. I admit it is foolish, since there are natural explanationsfor everything I saw and heard, but it masters me none the less. If the old story had been allthere was to it, I..
Read The Curse of Yig

The Descendant
January 1926| Wikipedia|

Writing on whatmy doctor tells me is my deathbed, my most hideous fear is that theman is wrong. I suppose I shall seem to be buried next week, but...In London thereis a man who screams when the church bells ring. He lives all alonewith his streaked cat in Gray's Inn, and people call..
Read The Descendant

The Doom That Came to Sarnath
November 1919| Wikipedia| |

There is in theland of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream, and out ofwhich no stream flows. Ten thousand years ago there stood by its shorethe mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more.It is told thatin the immemorial years when the world was young, before..
Read The Doom That Came to Sarnath

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
January 1927| Wikipedia|

Three times RandolphCarter dreamed of the marvelous city, and three times was he snatchedaway while still he paused on the high terrace above it. All goldenand lovely it blazed in the sunset, with walls, temples, colonnadesand arched bridges of veined marble, silver-basined fountains of prismatic..
Read The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

The Dreams in the Witch House
February 1932| Wikipedia|

Whether the dreamsbrought on the fever or the fever brought on the dreams Walter Gilmandid not know. Behind everything crouched the brooding, festering horrorof the ancient town, and of the mouldy, unhallowed garret gable wherehe wrote and studied and wrestled with flgures and formulae when hewas..
Read The Dreams in the Witch House

The Dunwich Horror
January 1928| Wikipedia| |

Gorgons and Hydras,and Chimaeras - dire stories of Celaeno and the Harpies - may reproducethemselves in the brain of superstition - but they were there before.They are transcripts, types - the archtypes are in us, and eternal...
Read The Dunwich Horror

The Evil Clergyman
January 1933| Wikipedia| |

I was shown intothe attic chamber by a grave, intelligent-looking man with quiet clothesand an iron-gray beard, who spoke to me in this fashion:"Yes, helived here- but I don’t advise your doing anything. Your curiosity makesyou irresponsible. We never come here at night,..
Read The Evil Clergyman

The Festival
October 1923| Wikipedia| |

Efficiut Daemones, ut quae non sunt, sic tamen quasi sint, conspiciendahominibus exhibeant.(Devils so workthat things which are not appear to men as if they were real.)LacantiusI was far from home,and the spell of the eastern..
Read The Festival

The Haunter of the Dark
November 1935| Wikipedia|

Ihave seen the dark universe yawningWhere the black planets roll without aim,Where they roll in their horror unheeded,Without knowledge or lustre or name.Cautious investigatorswill hesitate to challenge..
Read The Haunter of the Dark

The Horror At Red Hook
August 1925| Wikipedia| |

INot many weeks ago,on a street corner in the village of Pascoag, Rhode Island, a tall,heavily built, and wholesome-looking pedestrian furnished much speculationby a singular lapse of behaviour. He had, it appears, been descendingthe hill by the road from Chepachet;..
Read The Horror At Red Hook

The Hound
September 1922| Wikipedia| |

In my tortured earsthere sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping, and a faintdistant baying as of some gigantic hound. It is not dream - it is not,I fear, even madness - for too much has already happened to give methese merciful doubts...
Read The Hound

The Lurking Fear
November 1922| Wikipedia| |

I.The Shadow On The ChimneyThere was thunderin the air on the night I went to the deserted mansion atop TempestMountain to find the lurking fear. I was not alone, for foolhardinesswas not then mixed with that love of the grotesque and the terriblewhich has made..
Read The Lurking Fear

The Moon-Bog
June 1926| Wikipedia| |

Somewhere, to whatremote and fearsome region I know not, Denys Barry has gone. I was withhim the last night he lived among men, and heard his screams when thething came to him; but all the peasants and police in County Meath couldnever find him, or the others, though they searched long and far...
Read The Moon-Bog

The Mound
January 1930| Wikipedia

I.It is only within the last few years that most people have stopped thinking of the West as anew land. I suppose the idea gained ground because our own especial civilisation happensto be new there; but nowadays explorers are digging beneath the surface and bringing..
Read The Mound

The Music oF Erich Zann
March 1921| Wikipedia| |

I have examinedmaps of the city with the greatest care, yet have never again foundthe Rue d’Auseil. These maps have not been modern maps alone, for Iknow that names change. I have, on the contrary, delved deeply intoall the antiquities of the place,..
Read The Music oF Erich Zann

The Nameless City
January 1921| Wikipedia| |

When I drew nighthe nameless city I knew it was accursed. I was traveling in a parchedand terrible valley under the moon, and afar I saw it protruding uncannilyabove the sands as parts of a corpse may protrude from an ill-made grave.Fear spoke from the age-worn stones of this hoary survivor of the..
Read The Nameless City

The Other Gods
August 1921| Wikipedia|

Atop the tallestof earth's peaks dwell the gods of earth, and suffer not man to tellthat he hath looked upon them. Lesser peaks they once inhabited; butever the men from the plains would scale the slopes of rock and snow,driving the gods to higher and higher mountains till now only the last..
Read The Other Gods

The Outsider
August 1921| Wikipedia| |

Unhappy is he towhom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness. Wretchedis he who looks back upon lone hours in vast and dismal chambers withbrown hangings and maddening rows of antique books, or upon awed watchesin twilight groves of grotesque, gigantic, and vine-encumbered trees..
Read The Outsider

The Picture in the House
December 1920| Wikipedia

Searchers afterhorror haunt strange, far places. For them are the catacombs of Ptolemais,and the carven mausolea of the nightmare countries. They climb to themoonlit towers of ruined Rhine castles, and falter down black cobwebbedsteps beneath the scattered stones of forgotten cities in Asia. The..
Read The Picture in the House

The Quest of Iranon
February 1921| Wikipedia|

Into the granitecity of Teloth wandered the youth, vine-crowned, his yellow hair glisteningwith myrrh and his purple robe torn with briers of the mountain Sidrakthat lies across the antique bridge of stone. The men of Teloth aredark and stern, and dwell in square houses, and with frowns they asked..
Read The Quest of Iranon

The Rats in the Walls
September 1923| Wikipedia|

On 16 July 1923,I moved into Exham Priory after the last workman had finished his labours.The restoration had been a stupendous task, for little had remainedof the deserted pile but a shell-like ruin; yet because it had beenthe seat of my ancestors, I let no expense deter me. The place had not..
Read The Rats in the Walls

The Shadow Out of Time
March 1934| Wikipedia|

IAfter twenty-twoyears of nightmare and terror, saved only by a desperate convictionof the mythical source of certain impressions, I am unwilling to vouchfor the truth of that which I think I found in Western Australia..
Read The Shadow Out of Time

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
April 1936| Wikipedia| |

IDuring the winterof 1927-28 officials of the Federal government made a strange and secretinvestigation of certain conditions in the ancient Massachusetts seaportof Innsmouth. The public first learned of it in February,..
Read The Shadow Over Innsmouth

The Shunned House
October 1924| Wikipedia

IFrom even the greatestof horrors irony is seldom absent. Some times it enters directly intothe composition of the events, while sometimes it relates only to theirfortuitous position among persons and places. The latter sort is splendidlyexemplified by a case in..
Read The Shunned House

The Silver Key
January 1926| Wikipedia

When Randolph Carterwas thirty he lost the key of the gate of dreams. Prior to that timehe had made up for the prosiness of life by nightly excursions to strangeand ancient cities beyond space, and lovely, unbelievable garden landsacross ethereal seas; but as middle age hardened upon him he felt..
Read The Silver Key

The Statement of Randolph Carter
December 1919| Wikipedia|

Again I say, I donot know what has become of Harley Warren, though I think--almost hope--thathe is in peaceful oblivion, if there be anywhere so blessed a thing.It is true that I have for five years been his closest friend, and apartial sharer of his terrible researches into the unknown. I will..
Read The Statement of Randolph Carter

The Strange High House in the Mist
November 1926| Wikipedia|

In the morning,mist comes up from the sea by the cliffs beyond Kingsport. White andfeathery it comes from the deep to its brothers the clouds, full ofdreams of dank pastures and caves of leviathan. And later, in stillsummer rains on the steep roofs of poets, the clouds scatter bits ofthose..
Read The Strange High House in the Mist

The Street
November 1919| Wikipedia

There be those whosay that things and places have souls, and there be those who say theyhave not; I dare not say, myself, but I will tell of the Street.Men of strengthand honour fashioned that Street: good valiant men of our blood whohad come from the Blessed Isles across the sea. At..
Read The Street

The Temple
January 1920| Wikipedia|

ManuscriptFound On The Coast Of YucatanOn August20, 1917,I, Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein, Lieutenant-Commanderin the Imperial German Navy and in charge of the submarine U-29, depositthis bottle and record in the Atlantic Ocean at a point to me unknown..
Read The Temple

The Terrible Old Man
January 1920| Wikipedia

It was the designof Angelo Ricci and Joe Czanek and Manuel Silva to call on the TerribleOld Man. This old man dwells all alone in a very ancient house on WaterStreet near the sea, and is reputed to be both exceedingly rich and exceedinglyfeeble;..
Read The Terrible Old Man

The Thing on the Doorstep
August 1933| Wikipedia|

IIt is true thatI have sent six bullets through the head of my best friend, and yetI hope to show by this statement that I am not his murderer. At firstI shall be called a madman - madder than the man I shot in his cellat the Arkham Sanitarium. Later some of my readers..
Read The Thing on the Doorstep

The Tomb
June 1917| Wikipedia|

In relating thecirc*mstances which have led to my confinement within this refuge forthe demented, I am aware that my present position will create a naturaldoubt of the authenticity of my narrative. It is an unfortunate factthat the bulk of humanity is too limited in its mental vision to weigh..
Read The Tomb

The Transition of Juan Romero
September 1919| Wikipedia

Of the events whichtook place at the Norton Mine on October eighteenth and nineteenth, 1894,I have no desire to speak. A sense of duty to science is all that impelsme to recall, in the last years of my life, scenes and happenings fraughtwith a terror doubly acute because I cannot wholly define it...
Read The Transition of Juan Romero

The Tree
January 1920| Wikipedia

On a verdant slopeof Mount Maenalus, in Arcadia, there stands an olive grove about theruins of a villa. Close by is a tomb, once beautiful with the sublimestsculptures, but now fallen into as great decay as the house. At oneend of that tomb, its curious roots displacing the time-stained blocks..
Read The Tree

The Unnamable
September 1923| Wikipedia|

We were sittingon a dilapidated seventeenth-century tomb in the late afternoon of anautumn day at the old burying ground in Arkham, and speculating aboutthe unnamable. Looking toward the giant willow in the cemetery, whosetrunk had nearly engulfed an ancient, illegible slab, I had made a fantastic..
Read The Unnamable

The Very Old Folk
November 1927| Wikipedia

It was a flamingsunset or late afternoon in the tiny provincial town of Pompelo, atthe foot of the Pyrenees in Hispania Citerior. The year must have beenin the late republic, for the province was still ruled by a senatorialproconsul instead of a prætorian legate of Augustus, and the daywas the..
Read The Very Old Folk

The Whisperer in Darkness
September 1930| Wikipedia| |

IBear in mind closelythat I did not see any actual visual horror at the end. To say thata mental shock was the cause of what I inferred - that last straw whichsent me racing out of the lonely Akeley farmhouse and through the wilddomed..
Read The Whisperer in Darkness

The White Ship
November 1919| Wikipedia

I am Basil Elton,keeper of the North Point light that my father and grandfather keptbefore me. Far from the shore stands the gray lighthouse, above sunkenslimy rocks that are seen when the tide is low, but unseen when thetide is high. Past that..
Read The White Ship

What the Moon Brings
June 1922| Wikipedia

I hate the moon- I am afraid of it- for when it shines on certain scenes familiar andloved it sometimes makes them unfamiliar and hideous.It was in the spectralsummer when the moon shone down on the old garden where I wandered;the spectral summer of narcotic flowers and humid seas of foliage..
Read What the Moon Brings

The complete works of H.P. Lovecraft  - Lovecraft Stories (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.