V (Murder Drones)/Synopsis (2024)

Story of V from Murder Drones


V makes her first appearance (excluding the opening prologue scene) in a flashback scene with N, in which, she is slaughtering a worker drone (mostly offscreen) begging her "No! No please! Don't feed me my own entrails in front of my family!" before violently killing them. she then laughs maniacally and says "And yet... I still feel nothing". N tries telling her about the planet's toxic death storm, but V promptly says "Oh god! Who are you?" and then flies away. Later, she arrives at the Disassembly Drones lair and spots Uzi running away an

She appears again later after N manages to get through the doors of the worker drones' hideout, she realizes that the ventilation shafts can take them right through the last door and flies into it to murder some worker drones. V is about to kill Thad when both N and Uzi arrive and a fight ensues between V and N while Uzi fights with J. During the battle, N gets pinned down by V and sees that Uzi is about to get killed by J, so N licks V's sword to disorient V, to which V says "Ew! What the hell?!" before N kicks her, slamming her to the ground. V would then gets tied up by N with her own tail, and N later takes V away with him as he leaves with Uzi back to the landing pod.

would then appear in what would seem like a flashback or a dream of N's, where she and N are Worker Drone servants at a mansion. V would bump into N and they then exchange a spark at their hands when both of them touch, both V and N would look nervously at each other right before J kicks N. The flashback or dream of N ends, and V is in the pod with Uzi, where V calls Uzi's eye weird and concerning. V would then mention to Uzi how she states her kind is innocent, but Uzi wants to kill all humans, a fight almost occurs but N is able to pull Uzi away from V. After the fight with the Absolute Solver, N returns to the pod sad, where V asks why she's being punished. N stays silent, and for a moment a look of empathy shows on V's face, but quickly disappears when V looks down at her chains, which she's hiding the fact that they're broken, and V looks away from N in annoyance.

is in the Murder Drone ship with N and two skeletons, a male wearing a tuxedo, and a female wearing a red dress. N states he wants to look dapper and also says how V had him go and get the skeletons. V states her plan to trick Uzi into letting both N and her in because of the prom happening that night and kill everyone in the bunker, but N refuses to let V do the plan. V then asks N to stop prying into Uzi's strange abilities and says if she goes to the prom, she'll only kill what is needed to survive. N still refuses to allow V to go and says that they're too dangerous to be in contact with the workers. N then asks V if she's hiding anything and if he can help her, to which V then slices N's head off. With V's chain being broken, she puts the dress on and heads to the bunker to kill all the worker drones.

V arrives at the bunker and enters by what appears to be Lizzy and Doll letting her in. V flies threw the ceiling and lands on the prom stage in the red dress which shocks and scares many of the Workers attending the prom. V's introduced by Lizzy and is called the prom queen by default since the other Workers went missing, and tells the workers that V has changed and is no longer a threat. V then starts to walk forward to the microphone while talking about the gullible nature of the Worker Drones and is about to go on a murderous rampage when she realizes she's the prom queen. Upon realizing this V decides to murder the Workers after the pro and walks up to the microphone when suddenly Doll forces pipes from under the stage threw V's arms and chest pinning her in place.

Both N and V are retrieving their body parts while Uzi's fighting Doll. V manages to get her body back together and sneaks up behind Doll while Doll's fighting N and Uzi and when Doll's distracted V fires a single shot threw Doll's head, appearing to have killed her. Uzi voices her displeasure with Doll being shot since she wanted to get information from her, but then finds a key to Doll's room. Upon entering the room they find all the missing Worker Drone bodies. While exploring Doll's room N finds the remnants of Doll's parents which Doll then teleports into the room, while also fixing the bullet hole in her head. Doll tries to throw the bullet at Uzi but Uzi stops the bullet in mid-air with her abilities. Once Doll realizes Uzi has the same abilities as herself she agrees to help if she finds what she's looking for, and teleports away right as V tries again to kill her.

V (Murder Drones)/Synopsis (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.